
Volunteer Committees of NA members are formed to coordinate many services within the community. NA accepts no financial contributions from non-members has no professional counselors and maintains no clinics of residential facilities. Below is a list of services at NA may offer.

Community Awareness Meetings may be Conducted by NA members to inform the community of the existence of Narcotics Anonymous and its available services.

Health Fairs and Conferences are events conducted by professional organizations at which NA may have a display booth and/ or presents information at a workshop.

Presentations are often provided to churches, parole officers, judges, counselors, nurses, doctors, and schools among others, for information purposes.

Public Service Announcements can provide information about NA distributed to the public we are the media (press, radio, television, Dell board, bus signs, and posters).

Phoneline Services may provide local meeting information and general information about NA.

Meeting Lists, which are locally produced schedules that contain times and locations of meetings in the community are generally available.

Service to Hospitals & Institutions are provided by local committees through meetings/ presentations to introduce those people attending to some of the basics of the Narcotics Anonymous program. They carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular NA meetings. Meetings or presentations are provided to hospitals, jails, addiction treatment facilities, detox centers, and other institutions.

Literature Servicers include a variety of books, booklets, pamphlets, audio, large print, and E-pub editions. Narcotics Anonymous literature is published in English and several other languages.